Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Too Cute

Katey did the cutest, most grown up thing ever last night. As many of you know the packers have been at our house the past two days. And Tyler is a big time night light fiend. Being the wonderful mom I am :), I pulled the night light out and put it away so they would not pack it. Last night we got it out to plug it back in and what do you know but the bulb burnt out!!! Then came the panic attack from Tyler. Crying and yelling and carrying on!! Well, Katey was standing there in his room and she says, "Tyler, you want my nightlight?" Tyler, of course says, "yes!" So I ask Katey if she is sure she wants to give hers to Tyler and I explain to her that she won't have one then. Being the big girl she is she says, "I don't need one!" And she ran to her room and helped Daddy get her night light out and gave it to Tyler. We told her how proud we were of her!! And Tyler was so grateful telling her Thank you!! She then went to bed and I gave her the biggest hug and kiss (of course I am so emotional from these hormones so I was all teary!!) And as I left I said I will leave your door open a crack so you can see a little and she just laid there and said "Ok, Mommy, Thank you!"

She can be the sweetest little girl when she wants to be!! :)