Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jacob Madison

Jacob Madison (Jake) is finally here!!! Here is the story behind the will be here soon!!

So, on Wednesday, I was having some contractions but they were like 30-40 min apart so I didn't really think anything of it. For those who dont know, they want them like 4-6 min apart before you come in. So, I went to bed. I had a contraction or two and fell asleep, woke up about 2 hours later 1230 with another contraction but then fell back asleep. Then at 130am I woke up again but this time they were like 6-10 min apart so at 230am I woke up Ryan and said I think we need to go. He got up we through the rest of the stuff in the bag and headed out at about 250am. When I started wlking around the contractions starting getting closer so I knew it was definitely time. We got to the hospital about 310am and they hooked me up to the monitors to watch my contractions and then about 20min later someone came in and checked me and she said i was alrady 6cm! I was shocked...I was only 3cm and had to walk around the hospital before they would take me on the other too. My blood pressure was high was they moved me to the labor room and took some blood work. They said they had to get the results before the epidural becuase they might have to give me somthing else for that. The nurse told me if I felt like I needed to have a bowel movement tell, at about 4am I told her and she checked me and I was already 8cm!! She ran to go see if the blood results were back. At 440am or so the epidural guy comes and I am in some serious pain!! They tried to get me to sit up to do it but I was having a contraction and I couldnt move...the midwive said lets checked her first and I was already 10cm....So they said you have to sit and and he can do it or push. I just yelled get him out of me!!! :) So I started pushing and 12 min later at 5am Jake was here!! Don't get me wrong it was the worst pain in the world to push that little guy out!! I don't recommend it! :) But I guess God wanted me to experience it!! :) Jacob Madison was 6lbs6oz and 20 in long. Tyler was 6lb6oz and 19.8in so about the same. Jake has a little height on his brother... Overall, I am so glad he is here and healthy!!! Tyler and Katey just love him. Katey might have some issues when Nana leaves (she makes her carry her around and snuggle with her) but she does love on Jake and want to hold and kiss on him!! As does Tyler. He is doing great as a 2nd time big brother!!


Anonymous said...

He is gorgeous! He looks like Katey to me...when she was new ;) I am so happy for you guys and can't wait to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! I had no idea it was time for him to come already-went fast to me. haha. You'll have to let me know how life is with 3 kiddo's! :-)

Anonymous said...

I have NO idea what that last profile is--but the message is from me. hmm


The Albert Family said...

YEAH! LOVE THE NAME! My mom thought you named him after my Madison, but then I explained that "Gumpy" was the true inspiration. Too Cute! He looks like Ty as a baby. Only 5 pictures. Come on we need more! And what about nana. She comes up from Florida to save the day....and no pictures of Jake and Nana. Come on! I've got your back Linda! MORE PICTURES PLEASE! Miss you! Can't wait to come meet Jake!