Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Jakey!!

I can't believe my little baby is already 1!! He turned 1 on Nov 6th. We went down to FL for Melissa baby shower and the day we flew down was Jake's actual birthday. So, he went on his first plane ride on his 1st birthday!! We had a little cake with my family. We are probably going to have another little party when Daddy gets home!!

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Jake finally found the courage and stood!! This was the longest he had stood at the time. Now he is FINALLY starting to walk. He still chooses crawling over walking but he is getting much better at walking everyday!! I can't believe my little man is already 1!!!

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Beautiful Fall Weather

We have had some beautiful fall weather up here in TN the last couple of weeks. We tried out this new trail and we had so much fun with our friends the Singletons!!

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Jack O' Lanterns and Halloween Parties

The kids were so proud of their Jack O' Lanterns. I took the easy way out and used cookie cutters instead of a knife so it went much faster but they were still so proud!! Katey also had a cute with Halloween party and her class sang some cute little songs. They did such a great job!!

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My cute little Man!!

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Here are some pictures from Halloween!!
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Katey is doing great in gymnastics. She loves going and is turning into quite the little gymnast. They even want to move her up to the "mighty mights" class. This would mean she would go twice a week!! I told them we would wait for Daddy to come home to make that decision. She also wants to play soccer in the spring so we shall see. We are definitely very proud of her!!

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Tyler has been playing soccer since mid-September and is loving it. They have had a couple of games rained out and this week will be his last week. This season he has improved so much...he scored a goal and is much less timid!! I can't wait until the spring when Daddy can watch him play!!

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Katey's First Day of School

Katey had her first day of preschool in September. This is our 2nd year with First Presbyterian Preschool and we just love it there. Everyone is so nice and Katey is loving seeing most of her friends again since most of the same kids are in her class!! She wakes up every morning asking if she gets to go to school!!

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Run for the Fallen

Back in September we (the kids and I) did the Run for the Fallen. They had a 10 mile, 5 mile, and a 1 mile run/walk. We just did the 1 mile since Tyler was running and I haven't had much time to do any running!! We had fun and Tyler ran the whole thing!! We made shirts and ran for my cousin Brian Buesing. He was KIA on March 23, 2003. We miss him tons!!

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Saying Goodbye to Daddy

Shortly after Tyler's first day of school, we had to say goodbye to Daddy again!! :( We had lots of fun with Daddy and we can't wait to see him again in December!!

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First Day of School

Okay, so this is long overdue!! I have been way behind on my blogging!! Tyler had his first day of kindergarten way back in August!! He has been doing great. He is reading already, tying his shoes, and he has lost two teeth!! He is growing up too fast!! Here are some pictures of his first day!!

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